Con este curso de inglés básico el usuario deberá ser capaz de comprender y utilizar expresiones
cotidianas de uso frecuente, así como frases sencillas. También podrá presentarse a sí
mismo, solicitar o facilitar información personal básica. Podrá relacionarse de forma
A lo largo del temario aprenderá: Verb to be - There is - there are - Adjetivos posesivos
- Pronombres interrogativos - Formas interrogativas y negativas - Verb to have to -
Saxon genitive - plural de sustantivos - Presente simple - formas interrogativas -
pronombres personales - adjetivos posesivos - Conjugación Presente simple - formas
interrogativas - artículos indefinidos y definidos - there is - there are - preposiciones de
lugar - some, any - adjetivos demostrativos - present continuous - pronombres
posesivos - adjetivos posesivos - Verbo can - pasado del verbo to be - past simple-
verbos regulares e irregulares - preposiciones y expresiones de tiempo - verbo like -
would like - could - would - some y any.
- 9 Sections
- 55 Lessons
- 3 Quizzes
- 90h Duration
Unit 1 - Verb to be - There is - there are - Adjetivos posesivos - Pronombres interrogativos
- Presentations
- Alphabet
- Nouns
- Nationality
- Verb to be
- The indefinite article
- Possesive adjectives
- There is / there are
- Make true sentences
- Listening and writing
- Numbers
- Self Evaluation Exercises
- Countries and nationalities
- Complete the sentences
- Cuestionario: objetivos didácticos Unit 1
Unit 2 - Formas interrogativas y negativas - Verb to have to - Saxon genitive - plural de sustantivos
- Address abbreviations
- Plural nouns (pte audio)
- Verb to have got
- Qualifying adjectives
- Saxon genitive "-'s" (pte audio)
- Vocabulary
- Reading practice
- Listening: dialogue
- Listening: phone numbers
- Text: look at the menu
- Self Evaluation Exercises: nationalities
- Listening: the Smith family
- Self evaluation exercises: short forms
- Self evaluation exercises: family tree
- Cuestionario: objetivos didácticos Unit 2
Unit 3 - Presente simple - formas interrogativas - pronombres personales - adjetivos posesivos
- Objetivos de la unidad
- Ways to ask for time
- Ways to tell the time (pte audio)
- Other expressions about time
- What time is it?
- Present simple
- Vocabulary: days of the week / months and seasons of the year (pte audio)
- Spelling rules (pte audio)
- Present simple (affirmative sentences)
- Jobs
- Jobs: finish the definitions
- Reading and listening
- Cuestionario: objetivos didácticos Unit 3
Unit 4 - Conjugación Presente simple - formas interrogativas - artículos indefinidos y definidos
- ¿En qué contexto se usa "Pardon?", "Sorry?" y "Excuse me? (pte audio)
- Present simple (continuation)
- Verbos "like" / "love" / "hate" (pte audio)
- Time expressions (pte audio)
- Verbs and expressions to talk about what you like
- Personal information: Watch the video then read the script
- Exercise: true or false
- What pet do you like best? (pte audio)
- Listening - Formal and informal presentations
- Indefinite article "a" / "an" (pte audio)
- Definite article "The" (pte audio)
- Reading and listening: vocabulary
- Exercise: fill in the gaps
- Present simple summary
Unit 5 - there is - there are - preposiciones de lugar - some, any - adjetivos demostrativos
Unit 6 - present continuous - pronombres posesivos - adjetivos posesivos
Unit 7 - Verbo can - pasado del verbo to be
Unit 8 - past simple- verbos regulares e irregulares - preposiciones y expresiones de tiempo
Unit 9 - verbo like - would like - could - would - some y any
- Final del curso